How To Create a Silo Site Structure Website for SEO

What are the objectives of SILO Site structure?

The first objective is obviously classified, compartmentalize the different semantic universe of a site to guide the ranking of the pages towards the body corresponding to the level of the index of search engines base.
Another essential point, in my opinion, it is the use of the semantic power of a same theme to optimize SEO from the pages of a silo, and mainly the landing page.
Probably the most important goal, it is the strengthening of the silo at the top by the optimization of the relevance of the internal linking on the landing page, from the lower categories of the silo.
The notion of theme is inescapable in a site built in silos, it is the base of the structure, so deepen the semantic scope of each silo through internal contextual links will allow no doubt contribute to the improvement of the listing of categories and subcategories of the silo.
In General, the structure of the silo is designed to increase the weight, the page rank of the pages contained in a silo but beware the mechanism does not in any way. The popularity, links juice must be transmitted through the top of the silo, so the landing page, down vertically and thus feed each page of the silo.
Somehow, partitioning a silo site, it of send a clear information and objective to the search engines on all the themes and keywords related to the site, saying that it is an easily interpretable language by robots and engines, even machine language did not succeed!

Implementation of the siloing - partitioning

Determine the themes and keywords of the site

The first stage of implementation of this architecture is to delimit the various semantic universes of the site, to highlight the silos.
If the site already exists, it may be interesting to analyze the statistics of it using web analytics tools.
Can then consider the impact of Google Adwords campaigns, but also highlight the essential keywords of the site, with powerful tools such as Ubersuggest, Google Trends, Nkini .info, Keyword Density. Thus, it will be easier to select queries that resulted in well to classify the site.
Once the essential keywords highlighted, any on-page optimization work must be made in order to find all of these keywords and their synonyms in each silo. It will therefore, integrate them at the level of each URL, for each category, subcategory, directory, title tag, header H1 - Hn.
All these actions will thus contribute to the strengthening of the semantic field of each silo and thus facilitate their ranking in the corpus of the base engine indexes.

Prioritize each silo

It must then organize the internal structure of each silo with a genealogical tree model. The elevator begins its Summit, by the category defining the general theme to break down into subcategories / sub-themes then possibly in sub-sub-categories, ending with the finest level detail articles.
Remember that it is better not to handle too many levels, you may increase the silo structure and complicate the robots crawl.

Reinforce the weight of the landing pages

The landing pages, entry points of each silo, with a very high weight, because at a level only of the home, is quite naturally these pages it will stiffen in order to provide a maximum of links juice and rank better in the search results.
The best solution for this, will consist in linker landing pages from the categories pages children or articles (level 3) through contextually rich links which will feed the semantic universe of the theme of the silo.
However, although very promising and beneficial, these links can be problematic during their implementation. Actually, most of the current sites abound in mega menus hyper accessible suits on every page of the site with links to all categories, subcategories, in short a bit too present navigation and a little in direct contradiction with our structure siloique, to place the famous contextual links loaded strengthen the landing pages.
There very fortunately some solutions to alleviate this problem. Not to mention the options javascript generally employed, it is possible to remedy through the anchors and ID html, you will find all the details in this article about multiple anchors, a very convenient way which will make possible the shortcut by crawlers link tracking because it will be simply different from the menu. You can also specify a different link and redirect it correctly on the landing page using a 301 redirect.
There are still another solution, if the previous do not agree, it is a technique that we had mentioned on the website Miss-Seo-Girl, concerning the strengthening of the internal mesh by the integration of pages tips, a technique that can be useful and that rid you permanently all these disruptive duplicate links.

Example of silo site structure

Image source-

Establishment of a structure of physical or virtual silos

If your site is new, not yet created, you can define the structure of your site entirely separating it by theme and thus to implement each silo / theme. In this case, you will implement the physical silos related directories, determined from the outset with categories landing pages created specifically for each of them.
This structure is clear and easily identifiable. On the other hand, if your site already exists and you want to implement a silo structure, you certainly need to implement virtual silos, an organization related to the concept of Theming. This technique is obviously more complex that the previous since each silo structure will be entirely created virtually from scratch. You will need to gather the pages of your site by topic, regardless of their category and sub-category where they are. Once this grouping by realized theme, you'll more than to determine the landing pages of each silo, the categories and articles. Finally, you will do to the strengthening of the landing pages through rich contextual links semantically from the base of the silo (subcategories or articles of level 3).
This virtual method is quite conceivable if we perform a detailed the new structure siloique conceptual scheme. The management of tags and keywords is also very largely inspired by this principle.
The main difference between the physical method (called directories) and the virtual method, is to the fact that in the virtual solution, the structure is only based on a set of links, while in the physical solution, pages are stored in separate directories.

Recommendations for a better structure in silo

But the most obvious and the most common error is that is to implement the links any azimuth between different silos. If some pages of content in a silo are linked to other pages of another silo, it is possible to bind the pages of each elevator landing, this action will be very beneficial for silos, it will not weaken and prevent dilution of the themes of each of the silos. You will contribute both to the respect for the integrity of each silo and the strengthening of the semantic weight of the landing pages. Links are important in a website in silo architecture and they are inbound, outbound, internal, if they are poorly managed, they can seriously affect the health of the site and therefore the positioning of the main keywords.
It was established that a minimum of 5 pages of content is necessary to anchor something in its theme and allow its ranking in the best positions.
One point that I had already explained in the structure of a site and that I remember again, it is essential to observe a level of depth of 3 or 4 levels within each silo. Get more deep would result in a weakening of links, and therefore a loss of relevance of these pages.
It is absolutely essential to involve relevant content to links to strengthen the landing pages peaks of silos, without that the desired effect of optimization of the positioning unfortunately will not at the rendezvous.
To make optimal the silo structure, you must aim the 2 types of queries:

=> General keywords (short tail) representing the top of the silo
=> Keywords long tail representing the bottom of the silo


As you can see, this site architecture design can be very positive in an SEO strategy, in the same way as the technical design of a site to optimize, provided they follow a few basic rules that might be described as pillars of the siloique structure:

Architecture construction by theme
A reinforcement of the landing pages by links semantically enriched from the lower pages
Links between silos but from the top of each of them

Local Search Engine Optimization Guide 2014

My daily experience as a SEO expert I can say that more and more companies are starting to become aware of the importance of locally positioned for their website, but still very few use yet sometimes simple techniques to reference local. But above all what is local SEO?

Local SEO is ' techniques and actions that aim to position a site in the results pages for motors to a localized query of type: locksmith Nantes. "

Local SEO is a no-brainer for businesses close as caterers, hairdressers, plumbers for example, but also to franchisees or schools. But each company can finally find an interest in developing its local visibility. A coach carrying in Paris will for example focus on premise for a successful SEO strategy, as any contact outside Paris will be not exploitable. And a undertaking a national market will be interested in completing its traffic from generic keywords by localized expressions.

But how to improve its local visibility?

Below I will list 15 Tips applicable to all and use depending on its strategy and its objectives. I'll distinguish On Page optimizations (on your site) and Off Page optimizations that correspond to your visibility on other sites by links. I will finish this article by 5 tips to optimize your Google Place + local (formerly Google address).

Take care of your storefront

Your site must be a showcase of your activity and relay information relevant, unique and regularly updated.
1 - Choose the right keywords that generate traffic at the local level for your business. Think about your Department, the surrounding major cities, boroughs...To help you in your search, see the estimates of Google with this tool.
2 implement these keywords on your site at strategic locations which will be read by Google and users as often as possible. Create a contact page and fill in your contact information in the footer of your site.
3 - If you are targeting several cities, create dedicated pages.
4 - If you have a blog enjoy to include key words referred to in the articles.
5 - Think snippets on your site (rich snippets) and more particularly the extracts specially created for the local. More information here and here.

Be recognized

The popularity of your site is a very important element in the Google algorithm to define your positioning.
It is important to develop and to ensure your online reputation. And this even at the local level.
6 think to register on local directories, yellow pages or local agency that could talk your company (Town Hall, Chamber of commerce, office of tourism...)
7 - Join topics on local information sites and develop relationships with bloggers in your municipality or Department.
8 - Build partnerships at the local level such as clubs and sports associations. You can ask for links to your site in return.
9 seek advice of your consumers on specialized sites like tripadvisor if you are in the industry of tourism for example.
10 - Think about social networks and try to find local opinion leaders who will carry your status Facebook, your Tweets or any other activity. Play on the specialization of social networks with content dedicated to each channel.
Note that there are specialized in the local social networks.

Take advantage of Google + local

Google via its maps service seeks to list a maximum of addresses on the web. Formerly Google address, the service merged with Google + and is now called + Google Local.

11 - Add a card for each of your establishments associated with your web site. If you are a franchise, we recommend adding them all. Google offers a simple user on this page guide.
12 enjoy options pages + Google local as the added information about your business, photos, videos. Google offers the possibility to publish articles based on your news. Either as many opportunities to add your targeted keywords and links to your site.
13 - Choose key words and categories that you want to appear.
14 - Get the opinions of your customers, they are important, because a note will be displayed directly in the SERPs.
15 - Encourage them to participate on your page by adding media (photos, videos...).

There are of course other ways to optimize its local positioning, but by applying these 15 simple tips I am sure you will already see some interesting results. Here's hoping that this article has helped you in your SEO strategy.

20 SEO Tips To Follow For 2014

On average, Google makes about 500 adjustments of its search algorithm every year. Since Panda in February 2011, updates other changes have been more ambitious and were larger in their impact in the history of Google and global SEO. The effect wanted and announced was to raise the "quality content", sanction the practices of dubious linking and spamming, and behind E-marketing of the systematic use of key words and performance data. The amendments seek to improve the quality of search results (SERPS) according to Google. For those who practice optimization for the search engines (in English SEO) the collective impact of updates has lived sometimes as confusing, frustrating and sometimes hopeless. A wave of unprecedented concern that went to shake up the most solid bases for the profession--or even the challenge.

E-marketers have attempted in 2013 to cope with all the changes of Google, which have included Hummingbird, a major revision of the Google search engine. "Whenever we respond and recover a Google update, there is another.." As said Mike Huber, Vice President of customer (Agency E-marketing Vertical Measures) in a recent webinar. "It's like a series of waves '...

Based on a survey of 60 more experts, IOC provides a picture of three questions and answers on this topic.

-Taking into account of updates Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and other major updates Google, we are moving towards an era post-SEO?

-This discipline will be make it in 2014 different from 2013?

-What the E-marketers, agencies and SEOs need to adapt?

1 - The SEO will always be there. 

According to Brian Provost, Vice President of digital strategy of Media Group. "SEO is like the tax law. It is a set of issues and strategies to optimize compliance of the presence of business. To this end, SEO will always exist as a practice and discipline of adapting content to the market... « . Smart companies, he adds, have ceased to play 'in the algorithms Hunt, opting instead for the creation of content to base metrics "in line with the demand of the market."

2. The SEO has always focused on content marketing.

 Brian Wood, senior marketing director SEO for, think that the trend of content marketing is exaggerated. It is on this that the listing of quality has always been. It seems that more and more people using spammy tactics that Google has made more difficult were noted at their expense. "The same professional SEO tools white-hat used last year will be used next year. "That said, it is true that the bar is placed more top given that more and more sites focus on the production of quality content. It is also more harder to gain links with good content that bloggers that flood Google with a lot of things. »

3 SEO and content marketing become synonymous.

 "If you play the game, you cannot have one without the other" according to the SEO Christian Sculthorp consultant. But the traditional SEO will always have its place, add it. "Most people underestimate the work required to optimize the search for the keyword, the markup of each page of the site structure. There is much more in SEO than spam links".

4. the Bases of SEO will never disappear. Adam Barker, SmartBear Software senior marketing director, admits that SEO has changed: "content is the new way to optimize and generate traffic." But you still have to prepare your site for keyword research and SEO Basics on the page. And he adds. "This poses the rails for the train to come - and make sure that you have good train through keyword search, which is still as important as before. ''

-Should SEO practices change in 2014?

5. search engines are becoming smarter. 

"Search engines rapidly developing the intelligence to discern between Web sites that offer real added value and those that create the illusion of value," says James McDonald, analyst e-commerce for Lyon Consulting Group. "If (do) you (not) think SEO as a HTML of linkbuilding strategy, tactics of keywords that allow a site to better place itself in a search engine, then Yes, we are on the right track to for an era post-referencing.". Why? The next generation of SEO experts will avoid these techniques, according to McDonald, "and search for rather to dominate rankings by creating ever more relevant, engaging and comprehensive content.»

6. The presence on social networks will take still more important on research.

 This trend already evident in 2013, will be apparent that this year, for Ian Aronovich, president and co-founder of "It is not that the ranking and SEO will be completed, it is always worth to invest. '' But the share given to a strong presence on networks will become more effective and robust to bring traffic and build brand awareness. "This is because we can more more quickly share content on social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Google + and LinkedIn for Aronovich. "If you put online content that people are willing to share, you can get much more visibility for your company and your brand in much less time than a traditional webranking."

7. Determine the rankings, and its reasons, will be more complicated.  

Copley Broer, CEO of LandlordStation, imagine lots of time and effort to determine the most shared content and those who move the needle of ranking of Google and others. Flipboard, an application of aggregation for mobile, is a good example for Broer. «Be indexed in the Flipboard bot if this content appears is important - but it is almost impossible to tell when the readers will display this content on this app unless the user clicks to open it in a browser.» How do you know what Google thinks about the importance this content if you are unable to say how many people see? What is Hummingbird will take into account Flipboard directly, or y-will you it effect felt from the moment or someone sharing the contents of Flipboard to Google +? »…

8. In 2014, the referencing will be especially mobile.  

David Finkelstein, Director of marketing for KEMP Technologies, notes that more than 40% of e-mails are now seen on a mobile device. » Email remains an E-marketing "killer" application which may... create an effect of viral marketing like no other application. SEO and related content optimized for a mobile platform that connects to other applications via open API source will continue to be the greatest trend, and a real challenge for traders. »
B. Wood, of, added that mobile search is the future revolution, as grows increasingly faster compared to the desktop search. "At some point, we can expect that Google start weights looking for sites on mobile... which for the moment to for her its exponential speed. '' Ultimately, not 'responsive' websites or mobile sites with only a portion of their content will present a "bad user experience", and Google will be obliged to integrate this variable". Wood do not however know if an update of the ranking of sites on mobile will be in 2014... «but when Google will do it, without optimization or presence on mobile sites will be in the panade. «»

9. the Local SEO will continue to weigh.

 Austin Melton, supervisor on site for SEO, think see Google and Bing continue their tendency to locate search results. "It can severely impacting national research - horizontal to vertical search" add you there.

10 queries in natural language will be more important. For Daniel LaLoggia, Director E-merketing for Walker Sands Communications, the greatest trend SEO will try to take advantage of hummingbird, which is less a change of algorithm that a change in the way to search for the Google engine. The spokesman for the mountain view giant wishes that people are able to 'speak' to the engine in the same way that they naturally speak for rnaking. Users, meanwhile, want to see Google analyze their sentences and understand their intentions. Accordingly, the focus on individual key words should fade and embracing a more peripheral approach, with broad semantics: the theme of the creation of content. "In other words, 1000 variants of key words on a topic should be less important than great content built around a thematic keywords node that remains to be determined"

11. The role of SEO experts will evolve.  

"There will be a continuing renaissance of SEO agencies with marketing content or dispensaries of inbound-marketing. "This has already started to happen", according to Chad Pollitt, marketing director of DigitalRelevance. In addition, the SEO-PR traditional marriage will represent another trend of SEO, taking the name of 'PR' digital Finally, Pollitt expects marketing communications and public relations services down the SEO departments within large accounts.

-Your best SEO  tips for 2014?

12 identify the main pain points of your customers by requesting departments and sales team members support for evaluations. "This means that these issues are not addressed on the website", for Barker's SmartBear software. «Write your hierarchy of content around these points and adjacent questions.»

13 stay honest. "Focus on the generation of high quality content in the creation of a Web site that really serves its users and avoid old linkbuilding tactics ' for Halloran of Namu, travel group. "If you build a"killer app"in some way, you'll most likely attract quality links than any other technique linking."

14 be an authority, do not speak of yourself, and do better than your competitors. "Do not make business more blog to relay ads that no one wants to read. Add value. Train your target audience, says Adam Connell, Director of marketing for the United Kingdom of Linkology. "Use best influencers in your area and have them relay your content with added value." "Do not worry to be unique or to take risks, and take precedence over your competitors. This is what made Social Media Examiner, and is one of the marketing/most influential business on the planet currently blogs.

15. win attention and expand your network. Pollitt recommends the creation of entertaining content and/or solving problems highlighted by online media and industry influencers. "Brands that will be able to drill on the media will be the big winners in SEO". To do this, develop a network of writers, bloggers, publishers, journalists and influencers in the industry, because for Pollitt "these are the people you depend to write and share your content." In addition, the weight of executives in your company as possible columnists on the industry Web sites are especially popular. Their expertise is valuable for Pollitt, and "search engines follow links citations from reliable sources such as an industry authority sites.

16 consider your policy of linkbuilding as another form of networking. Jason Whitt, the «geek of all trades» Geek Propulsed Studios, note that there were many speculations concerning the alleged obsolescence of the linkbuilding. "Even if I can understand the reasoning behind it, I don't think that this is true," he said. "It's up to the types of relationships that you create on a Web site and the intention behind their acquisition." "These links will become effectively obsolete, if your strategy is restricted to paying for premium inclusions in directories and spamming the blog comments" to Whitt. "The natural link building is hard work, and there is no quick way. The best way to watch a legitimate link building is to see everyone as a business relationship. The more time and effort you put into this relationship, more it is likely that this relationship will help you to reach the position where you want to place yourself".
17. insist on a quality of content in all its forms. Yes, your content needs to be 'unavoidable, descriptive and differential', said Joelle Kaufman, responsible for partnerships and marketing for BloomReach - ".. .but quality extends to the technical side of your site.» » Identify and reduce or eliminate duplicate in your content pages. Make sure that your internal linking allows users and search engines to find their way onto your site. Identify the sources of traffic on-site and off-site to guide the content that you create, shared and retained. Make sure that your content is accessible and optimized for searching on mobile, which reached 50% of the total search traffic".

18 build a unique site for mobile and PC users. "With the evolution of the research on the Web digital divide, there is an increased for the adaptable web sites need to be properly consulted on smartphones, tablets and computers", according to Jayme Pretzloff, Director of E-marketing for Wixon Jewelers. Instead of developing a site for each device, consider a design responsive design, which adapts to the size of the browser and the appliance. In addition to improving the user experience, this will boost the SEO through an increase in visits, a bounce rate reduced, top rankings in the SERPs and more visits and social activity.

19 find the best keywords for long tail. Kelly Boyer Sagert, Director of content for Guru Search, the long tail keywords are called to become more important with the release of hummingbird, the last Google update. These include more than words, and are therefore generally less competitive as more rare. But they are also much more targeted. "When you find one that perfectly fits your target audience, this is a great find" for Sagert.

20. the Markeup will take importance. "Since the inception of the Web, the most important language of coding Web was HTML. The Web has evolved with the HTML"according to Sagert. «The latest version, HTML 5, includes sets of HTML tags that help search engines to understand the structured data. (Ces balises sont catalogués et référencés par these structured data help search engines to understand quickly and easily the different elements of a page, such as articles, events and localized information.

Ultimately, SEO will be what it should be and always was...