How To Create a Silo Site Structure Website for SEO

What are the objectives of SILO Site structure?

The first objective is obviously classified, compartmentalize the different semantic universe of a site to guide the ranking of the pages towards the body corresponding to the level of the index of search engines base.
Another essential point, in my opinion, it is the use of the semantic power of a same theme to optimize SEO from the pages of a silo, and mainly the landing page.
Probably the most important goal, it is the strengthening of the silo at the top by the optimization of the relevance of the internal linking on the landing page, from the lower categories of the silo.
The notion of theme is inescapable in a site built in silos, it is the base of the structure, so deepen the semantic scope of each silo through internal contextual links will allow no doubt contribute to the improvement of the listing of categories and subcategories of the silo.
In General, the structure of the silo is designed to increase the weight, the page rank of the pages contained in a silo but beware the mechanism does not in any way. The popularity, links juice must be transmitted through the top of the silo, so the landing page, down vertically and thus feed each page of the silo.
Somehow, partitioning a silo site, it of send a clear information and objective to the search engines on all the themes and keywords related to the site, saying that it is an easily interpretable language by robots and engines, even machine language did not succeed!

Implementation of the siloing - partitioning

Determine the themes and keywords of the site

The first stage of implementation of this architecture is to delimit the various semantic universes of the site, to highlight the silos.
If the site already exists, it may be interesting to analyze the statistics of it using web analytics tools.
Can then consider the impact of Google Adwords campaigns, but also highlight the essential keywords of the site, with powerful tools such as Ubersuggest, Google Trends, Nkini .info, Keyword Density. Thus, it will be easier to select queries that resulted in well to classify the site.
Once the essential keywords highlighted, any on-page optimization work must be made in order to find all of these keywords and their synonyms in each silo. It will therefore, integrate them at the level of each URL, for each category, subcategory, directory, title tag, header H1 - Hn.
All these actions will thus contribute to the strengthening of the semantic field of each silo and thus facilitate their ranking in the corpus of the base engine indexes.

Prioritize each silo

It must then organize the internal structure of each silo with a genealogical tree model. The elevator begins its Summit, by the category defining the general theme to break down into subcategories / sub-themes then possibly in sub-sub-categories, ending with the finest level detail articles.
Remember that it is better not to handle too many levels, you may increase the silo structure and complicate the robots crawl.

Reinforce the weight of the landing pages

The landing pages, entry points of each silo, with a very high weight, because at a level only of the home, is quite naturally these pages it will stiffen in order to provide a maximum of links juice and rank better in the search results.
The best solution for this, will consist in linker landing pages from the categories pages children or articles (level 3) through contextually rich links which will feed the semantic universe of the theme of the silo.
However, although very promising and beneficial, these links can be problematic during their implementation. Actually, most of the current sites abound in mega menus hyper accessible suits on every page of the site with links to all categories, subcategories, in short a bit too present navigation and a little in direct contradiction with our structure siloique, to place the famous contextual links loaded strengthen the landing pages.
There very fortunately some solutions to alleviate this problem. Not to mention the options javascript generally employed, it is possible to remedy through the anchors and ID html, you will find all the details in this article about multiple anchors, a very convenient way which will make possible the shortcut by crawlers link tracking because it will be simply different from the menu. You can also specify a different link and redirect it correctly on the landing page using a 301 redirect.
There are still another solution, if the previous do not agree, it is a technique that we had mentioned on the website Miss-Seo-Girl, concerning the strengthening of the internal mesh by the integration of pages tips, a technique that can be useful and that rid you permanently all these disruptive duplicate links.

Example of silo site structure

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Establishment of a structure of physical or virtual silos

If your site is new, not yet created, you can define the structure of your site entirely separating it by theme and thus to implement each silo / theme. In this case, you will implement the physical silos related directories, determined from the outset with categories landing pages created specifically for each of them.
This structure is clear and easily identifiable. On the other hand, if your site already exists and you want to implement a silo structure, you certainly need to implement virtual silos, an organization related to the concept of Theming. This technique is obviously more complex that the previous since each silo structure will be entirely created virtually from scratch. You will need to gather the pages of your site by topic, regardless of their category and sub-category where they are. Once this grouping by realized theme, you'll more than to determine the landing pages of each silo, the categories and articles. Finally, you will do to the strengthening of the landing pages through rich contextual links semantically from the base of the silo (subcategories or articles of level 3).
This virtual method is quite conceivable if we perform a detailed the new structure siloique conceptual scheme. The management of tags and keywords is also very largely inspired by this principle.
The main difference between the physical method (called directories) and the virtual method, is to the fact that in the virtual solution, the structure is only based on a set of links, while in the physical solution, pages are stored in separate directories.

Recommendations for a better structure in silo

But the most obvious and the most common error is that is to implement the links any azimuth between different silos. If some pages of content in a silo are linked to other pages of another silo, it is possible to bind the pages of each elevator landing, this action will be very beneficial for silos, it will not weaken and prevent dilution of the themes of each of the silos. You will contribute both to the respect for the integrity of each silo and the strengthening of the semantic weight of the landing pages. Links are important in a website in silo architecture and they are inbound, outbound, internal, if they are poorly managed, they can seriously affect the health of the site and therefore the positioning of the main keywords.
It was established that a minimum of 5 pages of content is necessary to anchor something in its theme and allow its ranking in the best positions.
One point that I had already explained in the structure of a site and that I remember again, it is essential to observe a level of depth of 3 or 4 levels within each silo. Get more deep would result in a weakening of links, and therefore a loss of relevance of these pages.
It is absolutely essential to involve relevant content to links to strengthen the landing pages peaks of silos, without that the desired effect of optimization of the positioning unfortunately will not at the rendezvous.
To make optimal the silo structure, you must aim the 2 types of queries:

=> General keywords (short tail) representing the top of the silo
=> Keywords long tail representing the bottom of the silo


As you can see, this site architecture design can be very positive in an SEO strategy, in the same way as the technical design of a site to optimize, provided they follow a few basic rules that might be described as pillars of the siloique structure:

Architecture construction by theme
A reinforcement of the landing pages by links semantically enriched from the lower pages
Links between silos but from the top of each of them